April 15, 2014

BaseBlog has a new home!

Hi! Thanks for visiting!

Chances are I've given you one of my BaseBlog business cards, or you have this address saved in your favorites bar. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to ask you to click just ONE more time for me to get to my new blogging home at WordPress.

Of course, feel free to poke around here and read what I've done in my first two seasons of blogging as well!

April 14, 2014

Goodbye Blogger

Hi Everyone-

This offseason, I was faced with a tough decision regarding the future of BaseBlog. To put it simply, it was very highly recommended to me to switch to WordPress in order to join the official MLBlogs network. At first, I ignored and downplayed the idea. I was already very comfortable with Blogger's format. I've published every entry I've ever written at this same link. But most of all, I didn't necessarily care about how many people read my work that didn't know me personally.

After rather forcefully being shown what just a little extra promotion can do for me, I realized how good it felt to know I reached so many people. Sure, I don't know who they are and they don't know me, but someone's time is their most valuable resource. If they take 10 or 15 minutes to read my work, that means they really enjoy what I'm putting out there.

I shot the initial idea down for the same reasons I decided to stay with Blogger. WordPress looked confusing, I would have to start all over with building an archive of entries, and, most of all, I would have to pay for extra data space because I put up so many pictures. For something that's a hobby I like to spend my free time on, there was no reason to deal with all of that.

Aside from the data and money issue (which will always be a downside), there were three main things that made me change my mind and go through with the switch:

  1. I often talk about my dream of catching a big break on some sort of amazing opportunity that comes from staying committed to blogging. Making the switch to MLBlogs will directly and instantly increase my views, allowing my entries to be seen by the people that can make these dreams come true. It only takes one person to make something amazing happen.

  2. My adventures are getting bigger and more interesting. After this season, I will have visited six new MLB parks in the last three years. My dedication has never faded, and I'm very surprised and proud that I've managed to see and do all that I have. My drive and passion for baseball and Ballhawking will only want to make me do BIGGER things in the coming years. With these increasingly large adventures, I felt like it was the right time to shoot for a bigger audience as well.
  3. Finally, perhaps the one thing I was most oblivious to, is that my blog is good. In fact, compared to some of the blogs on the Fan Top 100 List, it's GREAT. Even though there's still some typos here and there, I manage to tell great stories in incredible detail. I'm passionate, try to be timely, am always working hard on my next post, and am very dedicated to the entire blogging and writing aspect. Believe it or not, even in the Top 100, all of that is mostly absent.
Seeing the quality of what I would be "competing" against was the factor that made my mind up. People want to read good stories. They're craving for baseball personalities of all kinds. I can be a major asset to the network in the Ballhawking department. More importantly, the things that MLBlogs can offer me are exactly the things I want and need in order to achieve the overall goals I have as a writer, Ballhawk, and baseball fan.

Sorry if that's all melodramatic. I tend to do that with this type of stuff. Regardless, thanks for visiting here the last two years. I'll keep you updated in the coming weeks about the transition process.

April 13, 2014

Game 2 - 3/29 at Miller Park

Day two. Let's go.

This entry will move A LOT quicker than my last one. For the most part, it was the same routine besides a few changes due to Saturday's game starting at 1:10 in the afternoon.

April 7, 2014

Game 1 - 3/28 at Miller Park

I had a hard time falling asleep on Thursday night. Sure, I was counting down the days until the season started (just like I suspect most of you were), but it truly didn't hit me until I finished packing for this weekend. In less than 24 hours, I would be walking out of Miller Park with one game under my belt in 2014.