September 30, 2012

September 22, 2012

Game 16- Bronx Bombers

Good morning NYC!

Today was finally the day I had been looking forward to for a whole three weeks, which to me, seemed like three months.

September 6, 2012

New York - Day 1

I couldn't believe I was flying to a different city SOLELY for the purpose of attending baseball games. Having it be Yankee Stadium and New York was just a bonus.

Our flight was scheduled to take off at 1 PM. We would have plenty of time to see some of the city once we landed. Hell, I was excited when we were waiting by our gate at the airport.

I love how you can pass and interact with people from all over the world. There's thousands of people coming and going to hundreds of different places. O'Hare is one of the busiest airports in the world, so that makes it that much more interesting to me.

September 1, 2012

Game 15- Dog Days

It was finally August, which meant a lot of things. The end of summer, leaving for school, and the Cubs are really making it hard to cheer for them.

This wasn't my ticket. We'll get to that at the end...

I feel pretty bad about saying this, but I didn't even want to go to this game. In 48 hours, I would be on my way to O'Hare to catch my flight to New York. It took a week to let it sink in, then I calmed down. I knew this game would be an enjoyable one. I wasn't super excited since this was one of the most normal games I could go to, but I didn't feel like I wanted to get it over with.