February 21, 2013

The #1 Game of My Entire Life

This game definitely requires its own entry. This day, as well as the two weeks coming before it, was the best time of my life.


In February of 2010, to put it into the wise words of Steve Goodman, 'I forsaked my teachers to sit in the Bleachers'. I missed school to buy tickets.

February 13, 2013

My Best Games: #5 to #2

Let's keep moving up the list. Believe it or not the Cubs actually won some amount of the following games.


February 3, 2013

My Best Games: #10 to #6

If I had to venture a guess of how many professional baseball games I've seen in my life, it would be well over 100. If I want to count the ones I saw in my four years with the Flyers, I may be pushing 250.

It goes without saying that I can't remember all of them. A vast majority are basically identical to one another. Nothing interesting or rare happens on the field.  In a given season, anything I remember from these games blends together, and I can't keep track of which game is which.

A few games from each season are much more entertaining, and are pretty easy to remember. I usually think about them in the winter when I'm missing baseball. However, when the next season starts, these games are pushed out of my memory as different ones take their place.

Then there's a special category of games that I will never forget as long as I live. The ones where years later, I still look up the box scores and search for pictures. The ones I'll tell my kids about. The games I can't believe I saw with my own eyes.

This entry is the start to my list of the most memorable games of my life. I'll continue the list in the next entry, before revealing #1 in an entry of it's own.