April 15, 2014

BaseBlog has a new home!

Hi! Thanks for visiting!

Chances are I've given you one of my BaseBlog business cards, or you have this address saved in your favorites bar. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to ask you to click just ONE more time for me to get to my new blogging home at WordPress.

Of course, feel free to poke around here and read what I've done in my first two seasons of blogging as well!

April 14, 2014

Goodbye Blogger

Hi Everyone-

This offseason, I was faced with a tough decision regarding the future of BaseBlog. To put it simply, it was very highly recommended to me to switch to WordPress in order to join the official MLBlogs network. At first, I ignored and downplayed the idea. I was already very comfortable with Blogger's format. I've published every entry I've ever written at this same link. But most of all, I didn't necessarily care about how many people read my work that didn't know me personally.

After rather forcefully being shown what just a little extra promotion can do for me, I realized how good it felt to know I reached so many people. Sure, I don't know who they are and they don't know me, but someone's time is their most valuable resource. If they take 10 or 15 minutes to read my work, that means they really enjoy what I'm putting out there.

I shot the initial idea down for the same reasons I decided to stay with Blogger. WordPress looked confusing, I would have to start all over with building an archive of entries, and, most of all, I would have to pay for extra data space because I put up so many pictures. For something that's a hobby I like to spend my free time on, there was no reason to deal with all of that.

Aside from the data and money issue (which will always be a downside), there were three main things that made me change my mind and go through with the switch:

  1. I often talk about my dream of catching a big break on some sort of amazing opportunity that comes from staying committed to blogging. Making the switch to MLBlogs will directly and instantly increase my views, allowing my entries to be seen by the people that can make these dreams come true. It only takes one person to make something amazing happen.

  2. My adventures are getting bigger and more interesting. After this season, I will have visited six new MLB parks in the last three years. My dedication has never faded, and I'm very surprised and proud that I've managed to see and do all that I have. My drive and passion for baseball and Ballhawking will only want to make me do BIGGER things in the coming years. With these increasingly large adventures, I felt like it was the right time to shoot for a bigger audience as well.
  3. Finally, perhaps the one thing I was most oblivious to, is that my blog is good. In fact, compared to some of the blogs on the Fan Top 100 List, it's GREAT. Even though there's still some typos here and there, I manage to tell great stories in incredible detail. I'm passionate, try to be timely, am always working hard on my next post, and am very dedicated to the entire blogging and writing aspect. Believe it or not, even in the Top 100, all of that is mostly absent.
Seeing the quality of what I would be "competing" against was the factor that made my mind up. People want to read good stories. They're craving for baseball personalities of all kinds. I can be a major asset to the network in the Ballhawking department. More importantly, the things that MLBlogs can offer me are exactly the things I want and need in order to achieve the overall goals I have as a writer, Ballhawk, and baseball fan.

Sorry if that's all melodramatic. I tend to do that with this type of stuff. Regardless, thanks for visiting here the last two years. I'll keep you updated in the coming weeks about the transition process.

April 13, 2014

Game 2 - 3/29 at Miller Park

Day two. Let's go.

This entry will move A LOT quicker than my last one. For the most part, it was the same routine besides a few changes due to Saturday's game starting at 1:10 in the afternoon.

April 7, 2014

Game 1 - 3/28 at Miller Park

I had a hard time falling asleep on Thursday night. Sure, I was counting down the days until the season started (just like I suspect most of you were), but it truly didn't hit me until I finished packing for this weekend. In less than 24 hours, I would be walking out of Miller Park with one game under my belt in 2014.

March 23, 2014

2014 Season Goals

Just like that, out of nowhere, the season is just one more week away. Amid the snow, ice, and record setting subzero temperatures at our homes, the perpetual baseball cycle has once again began down South.

As Opening Day swiftly approaches, the games I'll be attending are doing the same. Each moment that passes gets me that much closer to the all in, pedal to the metal, three month sprint I'll be doing before I start work in early June. With this new schedule format and the different opportunities it gives me, I needed to think about what would be important to me this upcoming year. Which areas of my game should I improve the most? What things might I add to my normal routine? What should be my top priority, above all else? What do I want to see, do, and experience? But most of all, how can I make 2014 memorable?

March 5, 2014

MLB Stadium Rankings - Part 2

Here's where the real fun starts. Well, for me at least.

In the first half of this series, I had to justify my choices based purely on personal preference and subjective features present at each park. This second installment is going to be turned completely upside-down. Rather than age of the park, what looks nice, and the atmosphere, I can rank all 30 stadiums based on physical elements that can help or hurt Ballhawks. Last time, I wanted to remain neutral, so I forgot everything I knew about each park. Now, I'm allowing myself to use my own experiences and everything else I've heard or read on other blogs to put them in order.

This one is going to be a lot more relevant to myself specifically, because I can use what I know to the full capacity in every way possible. In reality, I'm most likely going to go early and catch balls at any new park I visit, so this is much more realistic when deciding on which parks I would truly like to visit.

February 22, 2014

MLB Stadium Rankings - Part 1

I used to wonder what I would say if someone offered me a chance to drop everything and go to any one ballpark in the country, no questions asked.

When I was younger, Fenway was always at the top. How could it not be? I was so attached to the Cubs, it made perfect sense to see our American League counterparts in a stadium that's just as beloved by it's fans as Wrigley. As I grew up though, number one would change fairly often. New stadiums were built and teams got better. I wanted to see World Series Champions or step inside the newest stadium as soon as I could, regardless of which team played there.

When I was 16 and Old Yankee Stadium was on it's final legs, I was uncharacteristically sad. Here was this legendary building that was home to one of the most successful baseball teams in the world, and I would never get to see it. Even before New Yankee Stadium opened, I knew I wanted to be a fan of a team like that, even if it was just for a few days.

Well, I got my chance.

January 27, 2014

Cubs Convention Recap by Justin Jabs

Thousands of fans gathered at the Sheraton in Chicago a few short weeks ago for the 2014 Cubs Convention, and I was fortunate enough to be among them. For those of you who haven't heard of me, my name is Justin Jabs, and I'm a Cubs fan who writes at "the other" Baseblog (no second capital B). Ryan was kind enough to write a great guest post about Wrigley's "Streets, Eats, and Seats" for my website last June, so I'm returning the favor since Ryan wasn't able to get out to #CubsCon.

January 20, 2014

Reality Checks and Growing Pains

**DISCLAIMER: The title and description of this post when I put it on social media sounds very negative; almost like I wish I could change the following situation. This is absolutely NOT the case. I've come to terms that some things need to be sacrificed for more important opportunities that come with going to school and growing up. Any negativity is for creative purposes, used to demonstrate how the Ballhawk half of my personality feels about the changes I have to make. AKA- If you're a recruiter or someone doing my background check, ignore everything I say about work, please!** 

This post may seem like it's coming out of the blue for no apparent reason. I don't have much to write about during these cold winter days. However, I have been holding out and hiding something from many of you. Some things have transpired over the last two months that really threw a wrench into my usual baseball life.

I was hoping that something, anything, would change the inevitable and what I knew was coming this summer. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for me. I loved my job at RBF and thought it was great how it allowed me to go to so many games, but I knew I eventually had to snap out of my fantasy world and peruse more important and beneficial opportunities.

Thanks to everything falling into place, along with my need and desire to do what's best, I was able to get an internship for the upcoming summer. Initially, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I had been filling out applications, tweaking my resume, and working on interview skills for quite some time, in hopes of impressing someone and showing them I'm a driven and hard working individual even though I don't have much experience. Everything I worked on paid off. It would have been really hard to sell myself once I graduated (after 5 years, mind you) if I had never been a part of a professional team.

This summer, I'll be working at Plante Moran's Northwest Chicago office in Elgin. They have offices in Chicago, Ohio, and Michigan. They're one of the more successful firms in the country, currently ranked as the 11th largest.

"But Ryan, what about the Big Four?"

Well, I'm not sure I would fit in so well with those guys at this point. With great power comes great responsibility, and the Big Four expect only the best from their employees. Working for one of them may be a career goal in a few years, but I didn't see a reason to subject myself to the stress and responsibility when there were plenty of other firms offering (what I feel) are better opportunities for myself personally. Being the 11th largest is plenty big enough for me. Plante Moran provides all types of financial services in pretty much any industry imaginable, but the position they had open for me was in taxes. My first day is still a long ways away, so I can't really say what I'll be doing specifically. I'm glad with where I fell with them, because I understand taxes better than auditing; the other traditional option for an accounting student's first internship. My interview took place all the way back in November, right before Thanksgiving break. The week before finals, they sent me a great offer, and decided right away I liked their culture and what they wanted to give me. I know I'll be extremely nervous walking in there the first day, but if it's anything like my interview, I'll feel right at home before lunch rolls around.

So what does all this mean? How will Ballhawking be effected? Has your mindset about baseball changed? Will BaseBlog be abandoned?

First of all, I don't start at Plante Moran until June 9th. That little delay between school and work makes a HUGE difference. I'm treating this as a blessing, because my hopes truly would have crushed if I didn't have that buffer time. I'm going to be cramming four months worth of baseball into 31 days.

Instead of seeing it as a shortened season, I want to call it a condensed summer. I still get to do almost everything I hoped. My dad wants to go to Toronto to see the Stanley Cup at the Hockey Hall of Fame again, and kindly worked it around baseball schedules. Because everything played out perfectly, I'll be able to see the Rogers Centre, as well as Progressive Field in Cleveland on our way home when we make a stop half way. I may even run into Pittsburgh regular Erik Jabs when I'm there.

I still plan to hit up the regular spots on an abbreviated tour; a couple games with Shawn in Milwaukee (in a renovated outfield patio area that he says is perfect for game homers), a trip or two to the Cell, and obviously my home away from home at Wrigley. Given the circumstances, of what is and what could have been, I'm very happy and relieved that Ballhawking won't come crashing down.

However, everything can't be perfect with the job consuming so much of my time. The biggest disappointment is the cancelling of the trip to Minnesota for The Project. Asking for three days off right in the middle of the summer would just be ridiculous. I'm very bummed, because there was some serious potential in this idea to take off if Shawn and I did everything right. For now, I'm going to keep the big details under wraps for safe keeping in case we could ever use the idea again. As a replacement, I'm also looking at the Twins' weekend series with the White Sox in June to pay Brent a visit up in Eden Prairie. See, not everything has to be completely ruined.

The one thing I'm very worried about is getting to Wrigley enough times. Before any of this happened, I was hoping to make this my number one priority in 2014. Usually I want to get out and experience new parks and cities, but the 100th anniversary festivities are a once in a lifetime chance.  I want as many of those commemorative balls as humanly possible. My initial expected numbers took a hit, but I'll still be able to do up to seven games there before I start. Once I DO start working, I'll have two months worth of weekends to keep trying. Those days won't be easy, pretty, or have many empty seats, but I will work myself to death in order to earn these balls.

BaseBlog will still be updated regularly. I'll have less game entries, so I'll sprinkle in a few placeholder topics to pass the time. I anticipate no real holdup in terms of running out of materiel completely. I don't know what I'll post, but I look forward to brianstorming and changing it up a little bit.

Finally, this entire ordeal can be summed up in one word: Opportunity. In 2011, I got more involved in catching balls. In 2012, I adventured to far away lands like St.Louis and New York. Last year, I continued to trek across the Midwest and made plenty of friends along the way while still growing as a Ballhawk. In my 31 days off this upcoming season, I'll be going to three or four games a week, just like the best Ballhawks in the country. Granted, it will only be for a month, but this is great news. It'll be a nice little test run where I don't have to worry about money and spending that much because of the very well paid 40 hour work weeks ahead of me. I can get in the groove of going to the park more frequently than ever before, and drastically improve my skills because of the repetition of my practices and routines; something I've wanted to do from day one. Right now, even when being completely realistic, I have 14 games on my schedule in April and May. It's going to be exhausting....and awesome.